Friday, April 11, 2008

Follow me to Newsvine...

With regret, I must announce that I will no longer be posting to this blog.  Over the brief time I've started this it's been fun, but it's also become quite clear that I cannot put in the necessary time to develop and maintain a blog of the quality level I want.  There are a lot of (to put it mildly) half-ass blogs out there, with writers who post only when they feel the desire, who don't do their research, and who fail to take the time to write well.  I don't want to be one of them.

Luckily, I'm not leaving the net.  I'm hoping that you'll follow me to Newsvine, where I've maintained a page for several months.  Newsvine is a general interest news discussion site that combines the best of social networking with some excellent writing - including sportswriting.  I'll be writing a column there bi-weekly on a wide range of topics, including baseball.  The link to my column is:

The link for a general introduction to Newsvine is here.  There's even a group for Battlestar Galactica fans.

It's been been fun to run two pages, but I simply don't have the time.  Thanks to those of you who have let me know you enjoyed the pieces -- especially those of you from the Sultan of Swat Classic and the Royals fans who checked out my page during my one "wide world" exposure.  Hope to see you at Newsvine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
